PODCAST: Iranian Rage Against the Regime

The death of Masha Amini at the hands so the morality police had resulted in a series of large-scale protests. Are we seeing the end of the clerical regime, or will this just be another footnote in Iran's long history?
28th September 20221 min

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One comment

  • Mohammed Naseer

    28th September 2022 at 3:20 pm

    Great, insightful podcast on this topic. One thing that stood out to me was the use of brute force and intimidation to get people to adhere to various laws. This I believe is the wrong way to win the hearts of people. In fact, what’s needed is the elevation of values through an intellectual discourse. A similar scenario exist’s in the West where secular-governments have tried to enforce laws upon their Muslim minorities in order to bring them in line with state crafted policies, and just like the Iranian regime, they have failed to persuade them by way of an convincing intellectual discourse.


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